FAQ | Can I use the LA108/LA112 in vertical orientation (enclosure placed on its side) for stage side-fills, for example?

Learn whether the LA108/LA112 can be used in a vertical orientation for side-fills in a stage setting.

Updated at August 28th, 2023


Yes, the LA108/LA112 enclosures can also be deployed as a horizontal ground-stacked array when flipped onto their sides. Rubber feet located on the enclosure’s side ensure the endcaps are not scuffed up when the enclosure is deployed in an horizontal array configuration. The rear panel features also an arrow indicating the location of the high frequency (HF) waveguide, which should always be positioned at the top.


The loudspeakers’ coverage angles also rotate, with the LA108 being 15 degrees horizontal and 100 degrees vertical and the LA112 being 15 degrees horizontal and 90 degrees vertical. Particular attention should be paid to possible strong floor/stage reflections which may compromise the sound reproduction quality.



In this orientation, loudspeakers cannot be flown, but only ground-stacked.